Hare Krishna!

Saturday, 31 August 2013
M.com E-commerce revised syllabus Mumbai University : 1.6. Financial Management
Hariharan Iyer, Financial management recent trends in practical applications
(ISBN 9789381335048), International Book House Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
Management - Chandra, Prasanna - Tata McGraw Hill
Capital Management - Bhattacharya Hrishikas – Prentice Hall
Finance – Brealy Richard, Steward – McGraw Hill
Management – I. M. Pnadey – Vikas
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
ചെന്ദമങ്ങലമതിൽ വാഴുന്ന മഹേശൻ ....
ചെന്ദമങ്ങലമതിൽ വാഴുന്ന മഹേശൻ ....
എന്നും എൻ മനതാരിൽ വിളങ്ങുന്ന ഈശൻ .........
കണ്ണീരാൽ ധാര നൽകുന്നൂ ശൌരേ ...........
എന്നും എൻ കുടെ നീ മാത്രം ശംഭോ ...........
ശിരസ്സിൽ ചലിക്കുന്ന ഗംഗാ തരംഗം
കരം താനതിൽ കങ്കണം കാളസർപ്പം
കാരത്തിൽ കപാലം ഗലേ കാലകൂദം
ധരിക്കും ഗിരീശങ് തരട്ടെ വരം മേ .............
എന്നും എൻ മനതാരിൽ വിളങ്ങുന്ന ഈശൻ .........
കണ്ണീരാൽ ധാര നൽകുന്നൂ ശൌരേ ...........
എന്നും എൻ കുടെ നീ മാത്രം ശംഭോ ...........
ശിരസ്സിൽ ചലിക്കുന്ന ഗംഗാ തരംഗം
കരം താനതിൽ കങ്കണം കാളസർപ്പം
കാരത്തിൽ കപാലം ഗലേ കാലകൂദം
ധരിക്കും ഗിരീശങ് തരട്ടെ വരം മേ .............
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Why chanting mantra?
Many times people are advised by gurus or jnani's to chant manthra as per their griha nila.....many ask the question why to chant? what is there in it? what will happen by chanting? They argue " this is just blind belief and nothing else...." i know what we think is also result of our karma.....still just thought of explaining, as i am destined by jagadambika, to do so........Jai Matadi!
- Mantra is actually related to manas or mind . Systematic practice like vichar, manan and chintan will lead to the Supreme goal mantra siddhi. Mantra can give both Spiritual and Material Results.
- Mantras are classified into Bija mantra , Moola mantra , Mala mantra etc. It Mantra has traditional and systematic way of practice which should be learned from guru.
- Mantra gives mental peace and happiness, by this mental Strength or manobala is attained. Manobala or mental Strength plays major role in curing various Diseases.
- While reciting mantra it create vibration in the six chakras and vayumandala. This higher frequency gives different results according to the mantra practiced.
- While chanting mantra waves created travels to akasha and beyond and hits in the soorya or sun and bounce back taking sookshma shakti of soorya and enters into sookshma sharira of the person practicing the mantra which is good for health and curing many of major disease.
- Even from ancients time vibration of letters is used for attaining both material and spriritual benefit!मान्यते ईश्वर अदेश अनेन इति मंत्र !
Jai Matadi
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha!
Heard singing in bhajan, asking navadurga for raksha!
- Om Shaila-putri maiya raksha karo, Om Jaga-janani devi raksha karo;(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Brahmacharini raksha karo;Om Bhavataarini maiya raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Chadraghanta Chandi raksha karo;Om Bhayaharini maiya raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Kushmanda tumhi raksha karo;Om Shakti roopa maiya raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Skanda-mata maiya meri raksha karo;Om Jagadamba Janani raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Katyaayani maiya raksha karo;Om Paap-naashini Ambe raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Kaalaratri Kali raksha karo;Om Sukha-daati maiya raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Maha-gauri maiya raksha karo;Om Bhakti-daati raksha karo.(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
- Om Sidhhi-daatri maiya raksha karo, Om Nava Durga devi raksha karo;(Om Navadurga namaha, Om Jaga-janani namaha.)
Jai matadi!jai matadi!jaimatadi!
Dasa Maha Vidhya Sthuthi
Dasa Maha Vidhya Sthuthi
- Maha devi maha kala Priya sakhi , Gauri Kaushikhi nama Vikhyate , Maha Kali Namosthuthe
- Munda mala vibhooshithe neela rupinee ,Yeka jata neela Saraswathi nama Vikhyathe, Tara devi namosthuthe
- Rudhira pana priye , khaditha Siro rupini, Rakthakesi , chinnabala nama vikhyathe , Chinnamastha namosthuthe
- Shodasa Kala paripoorne AAdhya Shakthi roopini , Sri Vidhya Pancha vakthra nama Vikhyathe , Shodasi namosthuthe
- Pasankusa dari durgam asura samharini, Shatakshi sakambari nama Vikhyathe , Bhuvaneswari namosthuthe
- Arunambara dari , pranava roopini ,Yogeeswari , Uma nama vikhyathe , Tripura Bhairavi Namosthuthe
- Dushta abichara dwamsini , kaka dwaja Radha roode, Suthara thamasi nama Vikhyathe , Dhoomavathi namosthuthe
- Pitambara dari shathru bhaya nivarini, Jwalamuki Vaishhnavi nama Vikhyathe , Bagala Mukhi namosthuthe
- Ardha chandra dhari , Kadamba vana vasini, Vaagdevi Saraswathi nama Vikhyathe , Matangi namosthuthe.
- Suvarna kanthi samanvithe , maha Vishnu sahacharini ,BHargavi Mahalakshmi nama vikhyathe , Kamala NamosthuthePhala SruthiDasa maha vidhya stotram sarva shathru roga nivaranam,Sarva sampath karam, puthra pouthradhi vardhanam
Dasa Mahavidyas and astrology-दश महाविद्या स्तुति
The Ten mahavidyas are (1) KALI (2) TARA (3) SHODASHI (4) BHUVANESHWARI (5) TRIPURSUNDARI (6) CHHINNMASTA (7) DHOOMAVATI (8) BAGLAMUKHI (9) MATANGI (10) KAMALA . The worship of these is also prescribed as an astrological remedy – for the 9 planets and the Lagna as follows:
- Kali for Saturn,
- Tara for Jupiter,
- Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya) for Mercury,
- Bhuvaneshvari for Moon,
- Chinnamasta for Rahu,
- Bhairavi for Lagna,
- Dhumavati for Ketu,
- Baglamukhi for Mars,
- Matangi for Sun, and
- Kamala for Venus.
महाविद्या स्तुति
पाशांकुशेष्वासशराsसिबाणान् ।
शूलं कपालं
दधतीं कराsब्जै रक्तां त्रिनेत्रां
प्रणमामि देवीम् ॥
मातर्तीलसरस्वती प्रणमतां सौभाग्य-सम्पत्प्रदे
प्रत्यालीढ –पदस्थिते
शवह्यदि स्मेराननाम्भारुदे ।
फुल्लेन्दीवरलोचने त्रिनयने कर्त्रो कपालोत्पले
फुल्लेन्दीवरलोचने त्रिनयने कर्त्रो कपालोत्पले
खड्गञ्चादधती त्वमेव शरणं त्वामीश्वरीमाश्रये ॥
बालव्यक्तविभाकरामितनिभां भव्यप्रदां भारतीम्
ईषत्फल्लमुखाम्बुजस्मितकरैराशाभवान्धापहाम् ।
पाशं साभयमङ्कुशं च वरदं संविभ्रतीं भूतिदा ।
भ्राजन्तीं चतुरम्बजाकृतिकरैभक्त्या भजे षोडशीम् ॥
पाशं साभयमङ्कुशं च वरदं संविभ्रतीं भूतिदा ।
भ्राजन्तीं चतुरम्बजाकृतिकरैभक्त्या भजे षोडशीम् ॥
नाभौ शुद्धसरोजवक्त्रविलसद्बांधुकपुष्पारुणं
भास्वद्भास्करमणडलं तदुदरे
तद्योनिचक्रं महत् ।
तन्मध्ये विपरीतमैथुनरतप्रद्युम्नसत्कामिनी पृष्ठस्थां
तन्मध्ये विपरीतमैथुनरतप्रद्युम्नसत्कामिनी पृष्ठस्थां
तरुणार्ककोटिविलसत्तेज: स्वरुपां भजे ॥
उद्यद्भानुसहस्रकान्तिमरुणक्षौमां शिरोमालिकां
रक्तालिप्तपयोधरां जपपटीं
विद्यामभीतिं वरम् ।
हस्ताब्जैर्दधतीं त्रिनेत्रविलसद्वक्त्रारविन्दश्रियं देवीं
हस्ताब्जैर्दधतीं त्रिनेत्रविलसद्वक्त्रारविन्दश्रियं देवीं
बद्धहिमांशुरत्नमुकुटां वन्दे समन्दस्मिताम् ॥
प्रातर्यास्यात्कमारी कुसुमकलिकया जापमाला जयन्ती
विकसितवदना चारुनेत्रा निशायाम् ।
सन्ध्यायां वृद्धरूपा गलितकुचयुगा मुण्डमालां वहन्ती
सन्ध्यायां वृद्धरूपा गलितकुचयुगा मुण्डमालां वहन्ती
सा देवी देवदेवी त्रिभुवनजननी कालोका पातु युष्मान् ॥
मध्ये सुधाब्धि – मणि मण्डप – रत्नवेद्यां सिंहासनोपरिगतां परिपीतवर्णाम् ।
पीताम्बराभरण – माल्य – बिभूतिषताङ्गी देवीं स्मरामि धृत-मुद्गर वैरिजिह्वाम् ॥
पीताम्बराभरण – माल्य – बिभूतिषताङ्गी देवीं स्मरामि धृत-मुद्गर वैरिजिह्वाम् ॥
श्यामां शुभ्रांशुभालां त्रिकमलनयनां रत्नसिंहासनस्थां
भक्ताभीष्टप्रदात्रीं सुरनिकरकरासेव्यकंजांयुग्माम् ।
निलाम्भोजांशुकान्ति निशिचरनिकारारण्यदावाग्निरूपां
निलाम्भोजांशुकान्ति निशिचरनिकारारण्यदावाग्निरूपां
पाशं खङ्गं चतुर्भिर्वरकमलकै: खेदकं चाङ्कुशं च
उद्यद्दिनद्युतिमिन्दुकिरीटां तुंगकुचां नयनवययुक्ताम् ।
स्मेरमुखीं वरदाङ्कुश पाशभीतिकरां प्रभजे भुवनेशीम् ॥
स्मेरमुखीं वरदाङ्कुश पाशभीतिकरां प्रभजे भुवनेशीम् ॥
त्रैलोक्यपूजिते देवि कमले विष्णुबल्लभे ।
यथा त्वमचल कृष्णे तथा भव मयि स्थिरा ॥
यथा त्वमचल कृष्णे तथा भव मयि स्थिरा ॥
Vedic astrology : Mahadasas & Anthardasas
The period and the sequence of MahaDasas is as follows:
- Sun (सूर्य)Dasha is 6 years
- Moon (चन्द्र)Dasha is 10 years
- Mars(मंगल) Dasha is 7 years
- Rahu (राहु)Dasha is 18 years
- Jupiter(गुरु) Dasha is 16 years
- Saturn )Dasha is 19 years
- Mercury(बुध) Dasha is 17 years
- Ketu (केतु)Dasha is 7 years
- Venus (शुक्र)Dasha is 20 years
For finding out the time period of the antardasha of a planet, in the dasha of the same, or another planet multiply the years of dasha of the former planet with the years of dasha years of the latter planet. Divide the product by the total years of dasha of all the planets i.e 120. The product of the planets are divided by 120 years, because in the Vimshottari Dasha system the total number of years assigned to all planets is 120 years. Dasha the first Antar Dasha belongs to the Lord of the Dasha. Then the
further Antar Dashas belong to the other 8 Grahas in the same order, as followed
for the Dashas. The same applies to Pratyantar Dasha.
The Maha Dashas and the duration thereof together with the respective Antar Dashas and their periods are given below, in that order (individually totalling the respective Maha Dasha periods and in aggregate totalling 120 years):-
No. Planets Maha Dasha Antar Dasha Order and Periods
1 Ketu(केतु) 7 years
(84 months)
- Ketu - Ketu (4.9 months),
- Ketu - Venus (14 months),
- Ketu - Sun (4.2 months),
- Ketu - Moon (7 months),
- Ketu - Mars (4.9 months),
- Ketu - Rahu (12.6 months),
- Ketu - Jupiter (11.2 months),
- Ketu - Saturn (13.3 months),
- Ketu - Mercury (11.9 months)
2 Venus(शुक्र) 20 years
(240 months)
- Venus - Venus (40 months),
- Venus - Sun (12 months),
- Venus - Moon (20 months),
- Venus - Mars (14 months),
- Venus - Rahu (36 months),
- Venus - Jupiter (32 months),
- Venus - Saturn (38 months),
- Venus - Mercury (34 months),
- Venus - Ketu (14 months)
3 Sun(सूर्य) 6 years
(72 months)
- Sun - Sun (3.6 months),
- Sun - Moon (6 months),
- Sun - Mars (4.2 months),
- Sun - Rahu (10.8 months),
- Sun - Jupiter (9.6 months),
- Sun - Saturn (11.4 months),
- Sun - Mercury (10.2 months),
- Sun - Ketu (4.2 months),
- Sun - Venus (12 months)
4 Moon(चन्द्र) 10 years
(120 months)
- Moon - Moon (10 months),
- Moon - Mars (7 months),
- Moon - Rahu (18 months),
- Moon - Jupiter (16 months),
- Moon - Saturn (19 months),
- Moon - Mercury (17 months),
- Moon - Ketu (7 months),
- Moon - Venus (20 months),
- Moon - Sun (6 months)
5 Mars(मंगल) 7 years
(84 months)
- Mars - Mars (4.9 months),
- Mars - Rahu (12.6 months),
- Mars - Jupiter (11.2 months),
- Mars - Saturn (13.3 months),
- Mars - Mercury (11.9 months),
- Mars - Ketu (4.9 months),
- Mars - Venus (14 months),
- Mars - Sun (4.2 months),
- Mars - Moon (7 months)
6 Rahu(राहु) 18 years
(216 months).
- Rahu - Rahu (32.4 months),
- Rahu - Jupiter (28.8 months),
- Rahu - Saturn (34.2 months),
- Rahu - Mercury (30.6 months),
- Rahu - Ketu (12.6 months),
- Rahu - Venus (36 months),
- Rahu - Sun (10.8 months),
- Rahu - Moon (18 months),
- Rahu - Mars (12.6 months)
7 Jupiter(गुरु) 16 years
(192 months)
- Jupiter - Jupiter (25.6 months),
- Jupiter - Saturn (30.4 months),
- Jupiter - Mercury (27.2 months),
- Jupiter - Ketu (11.2 months),
- Jupiter - Venus (32 months),
- Jupiter - Sun (9.6 months),
- Jupiter - Moon (16 months),
- Jupiter - Mars (11.2 months),
- Jupiter - Rahu (28.8 months)
8 Saturnशनि 19 years
(228 months)
- Saturn - Saturn (36.1 months),
- Saturn - Mercury (32.3 months),
- Saturn - Ketu (13.3 months),
- Saturn - Venus (38 months),
- Saturn - Sun (11.4 months),
- Saturn - Moon (19 months),
- Saturn - Mars (13.3 months),
- Saturn - Rahu (34.2 months),
- Saturn - Jupiter (30.4 months)
9 Mercury(बुध 17 years
(204 months)
- Mercury - Mercury (28.9 months),
- Mercury - Ketu (11.9 months),
- Mercury - Venus (34 months),
- Mercury - Sun (10.2 months),
- Mercury - Moon (17 months),
- Mercury - Mars (11.9 months),
- Mercury - Rahu (30.6 months),
- Mercury - Jupiter (27.2 months),
- Mercury - Saturn (32.3 months)
In each Anthardashas, depending on your horscope position of the graha, there will be gunas and doshas. It varies from person to person depending on kundali. If you know which dasha and which anthardasha going on, if there is bad effects there shall be pariharams like chanting, Devopasana, daan etc, which will reduce the ill effect.
गुरवे नमः
No. | Planets | Maha Dasha | Antar Dasha Order and Periods |
1 | Ketu(केतु) | 7 years (84 months) |
2 | Venus(शुक्र) | 20 years (240 months) |
3 | Sun(सूर्य) | 6 years (72 months) |
4 | Moon(चन्द्र) | 10 years (120 months) |
5 | Mars(मंगल) | 7 years (84 months) |
6 | Rahu(राहु) | 18 years (216 months). |
7 | Jupiter(गुरु) | 16 years (192 months) |
8 | Saturnशनि | 19 years (228 months) |
9 | Mercury(बुध | 17 years (204 months) |
Hemambika........കല്ലയ്കുളം വാഴും എന് എമൂരിയമ്മേ .............
കലികാല വിനകളില് ഇനിയും എത്ര നാള് അമ്മേ ......
കോപലോപങ്ങളില് പിടയും എന്നേ നീ കാണാത്തതെനോ
നിന് അരുള് ഇല്ലയെങ്ങില് ജീവന് വാഴുമോ..... അമ്മെ....
നിഴല് നീ തന്നിലെങ്ങില് നാന് വാ ഴുമൊ...........
എത്ര എത്ര ജമങ്ങള് എടുത്തു നാന് അമ്മേ.....
കണക്കിടുവാന് എന്നാല് ആവുമോ അമ്മേ .....
മാപ്പരുളു ക നീ ഇനിയെകിലും അമ്മെ....
കല്ലയ്കുളം വാഴും എന് എമൂരിയമ്മേ .............
നിന് ആയിരം കൈകളില് അമ്മേ ...........
ഒരു ചുണ്ടി വിരല് പിടിച്ചു നാനമ്മെ.........
എന് വിധിയും നീ എന് മതിയും നീയമ്മേ .....
കല്ലയ്കുളം വാഴും എന് എമൂരിയമ്മേ .............
കോപലോപങ്ങളില് പിടയും എന്നേ നീ കാണാത്തതെനോ
നിന് അരുള് ഇല്ലയെങ്ങില് ജീവന് വാഴുമോ..... അമ്മെ....
നിഴല് നീ തന്നിലെങ്ങില് നാന് വാ ഴുമൊ...........
എത്ര എത്ര ജമങ്ങള് എടുത്തു നാന് അമ്മേ.....
കണക്കിടുവാന് എന്നാല് ആവുമോ അമ്മേ .....
മാപ്പരുളു ക നീ ഇനിയെകിലും അമ്മെ....
കല്ലയ്കുളം വാഴും എന് എമൂരിയമ്മേ .............
നിന് ആയിരം കൈകളില് അമ്മേ ...........
ഒരു ചുണ്ടി വിരല് പിടിച്ചു നാനമ്മെ.........
എന് വിധിയും നീ എന് മതിയും നീയമ്മേ .....
കല്ലയ്കുളം വാഴും എന് എമൂരിയമ്മേ .............
Kazhikadu bagawathy....அம்மா உந்தன் அருமை...... சொல்ல என்னால் எங்கே முடியும்.....
கோழிகாடில் வாழ்பவளே....
ஜெயா பகவதியே என் குலதேவியாலே ...
வாழ்க என்று சொல்பவளே .....
என்றும் என் மனதினிலே நிற்பவளே....
ஆலமரகாட்டினிலே வாழ்பவேலே ....
என்றும் என் பக்கதிலிருப்பவளே ....
அம்மா உந்தன் அருமை......
சொல்ல என்னால் எங்கே முடியும்....
பட்டு பாவாடை எடுத்து வந்தேன்....
பூமாலை கொண்டு வந்தேன்....என் குலதேவி.....யம்பிக்கையே
குப்பிட்ட குரலுக்க் ஏன் என்று கேலம்மா ...
கா ப்பா த்று என்றாலே ஓடி தான் வா அம்மா ..
உன்னை போல ஒரு தைவம் யாரம்மா ......
எனககாக ஒரு பார்வை பாரம்மா .....
அம்மா உந்தன் அருமை......
சொல்ல என்னால் எங்கே முடியும்....
தான் பெற்ற பிள்ளையை என் பெற்றேன் என்பாயோ....
தாலாட்டு பாடாமல் தள்ளி தான் வைப்பாயோ ....
மடி மேலே விளையாடும் பாக்கியம்
தருவாய் நீ உன்னோடு ஐக்கியம்.....
மனதில் நீ இருக்கையிலே தாயே .....
உன் குழந்தை நான் வாடலகுமா ....
அம்மா உந்தன் அருமை......
சொல்ல என்னால் எங்கே முடியும்....
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Align the chakras for better living!
There are seven chakras
- Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Located at Base of spine in tailbone area.
- Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.Located ar Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
- Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.Located at Upper abdomen in the stomach area
- Heart Chakra - Our ability to love. Located at Center of chest just above heart.
- Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate. Located at Throat.
- Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.Located at Forehead between the eyes. THis chakra is also called the Brow Chakra
Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Located at The very top of the head.
hemambika....നാന് ചെയ്ത പാപം എന്താണമ്മേ ...............
തൊഴുതു വന്നൂ നിന്നേ വണങ്ങി നിന്നൂ
ജപങ്ങലാ ലെ നിന്നേ പാടി വന്നൂ
അമ്മെ ദേവി ഹേമംബികയെ
എമൂരിയെ എന് ഭഗവതിയെ എന്നും
കാരുണ്യ രുപിയെ കരുണാ മയിയെ
കാക്കണം അമ്മെ എന്നും
മനം ഉരുകി കണ്കളില് കണ്ണീര് പെരുക
നിന്നേ പാടി വന്നൂ
കല്യാണിയെ,കാര്ത്യാനിയെ,കാളി യെ ,കരുമാരിയെ,ശിവേ,പാര്വതിയെ,
ഭുവനീഷ്വരിയെ,രാജേശ്വരിയെ,പരാശക്തിയെ എന്ന് നിന്ണ്ടേ
ആയിരമായിരം നാമങ്ങളെ പാടി നിന് പുഗഷ് പാ ടിയും നിനക്ക്
കരുണ വന്നില്ലല്ലോ അമ്മേ .......
നിന് മനമും ഉരുകിയില്ലല്ലോ അമ്മേ ...............
നിന്നില് നിന്നെന്നെ അകറ്റിയതും എന്തെ അമ്മെ...........
എന്തിനീ ജന്മം തന്നൂ നീയമ്മെ .........
നാന് ചെയ്ത പാപം എന്താണമ്മേ ...............
എങ്കിലും നിന്നേ മറക്കതിരുക്കാന് ....................
മാത്രം ഒരു വരം തന്നു നീ അമ്മേ .....................
എന്നു വരും നാന് നിന് സന്നിതിയിലമ്മെ...............
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Kallekulangara Shivaratri Mahotsav
9 days Shivarathri
festival at kallekulangara! Nostalgic remembrance!
- Kodiyettam:. Its the belief
that after kodiyetram you cant leave KKK. And if you see kodiyetram you
should be there for kodi erakkam too! But for erakkam hardly few will be
there, usually!
- Daily Deeparadana! : Shambo
mahadeva deva........shiva shambo mahadeva devesha shambo...........shambo
mahadeva deva.........
- Kazhcha seeveli! : kanandathu
than! its an addiction!
- Otamthullal!......i remember
everybody sings two line often"Kettiya pennine madi koddathe kittiya
vadi kondonnu koduthu" and "Ottanthullal thulli varumbol veettil
kanji kudikkanilla", "Yareda nammude marge kidakkunna markkada
neeyangu marikidasseda!......
- Chakyarkoothu! : I hear the
mizhavu sound still! The making up of chakyar is so much fun! "Katha
parayuka ennu varunna samayathingal Ishwara ivande buthi Iswara
kathayingalallo layichathu, atha hethu
ayittu................"........The chakyar mazhude, Rama-ravana
yudham is still in heart! "Atha raman vannu, villeduthu, ravanende
marathu kondu.....hamba, aaaaaaaaaaaaa ente prishtam............."
- Padakam Vayana! : Nambiyar
mazhu..............never miss an oppurtunity to tell story of ganesha and
vibheeshana to children like nambiar mazhu...."VIbheeshana kalla,
vilichu varuthi kondu vannu pazhnikittu kolluno......chore
choru....."...."Acha visakkunu acaha, innu unni onnum
kazhichilla....1008 kozhukkattem adayum appavum, pazhavum mathre
kittiyullu.acha visakkunu...."
- Thayambaka!: by the time
elapses, all moves hip with the sympony! haa....anandam
- Panninayattu!: All used to
tease me to take the "irachi" to eat! Used to feel so bad!
Gopiyetta used to be shiva for nayattu!
- Arattu ezhinnallathu, to &
fro to kalapathy river: we girls never used to go......we roam in tample
and wait for anayottam!
- Anayottam ! Mostly everybody
used to comment it is Alottam!
- Shiva cuthambalam vilakku theliyikkal : Still there manasika Pooja! Earlier when I used to do when I stay in kkk……
- Shayanapradkshinam: Hara shiva mura hara........We girls used to do pradakshinam 108 times......may be so i am blessed with husband like "arthanareeshwara"
- Akshara sloka sadassu: Moosad mazhu, karthavu mazhu...........mmmmmmmmmm.......
"Shirassil chalikkunna ganga tharangam, karatharani kanganama kala sarppam, karathil kapalam gale kalakudam, darikkum gireessan tharatthe varam me........" - Kathakali: When children used to sleep.......but now really miss.......Santhana gopalam, Kalayana sauganthikam, kiratham......really miss! In kiratham, the budhagana used to come to the audience and those who were asleep was frightned by them! haaaaaaa LOL
Shivarathri Mahima!
- Literally 'the great night of Shiva', celebrated on the moonless night of the month of Phalguna, which is fourteenth day in the dark half, this festival is specially dedicated to Shiva, the destroyer
- Mahashivaratri is thus not only a ritual but also a cosmic definition of the Hindu universe. It dispels ignorance, emanates the light of knowledge, makes one aware of the universe, ushers in the spring after the cold and dry winter, and invokes the supreme power to take cognizance of the beings that were created by him.
- Puranas contain many stories and legends describing the origin of this festival. According to one, during the samudra manthan, a pot of poison emerged from the ocean. This terrified the Gods and demons as the poison was capable of destroying the entire world, and they ran to Shiva for help. To protect the world from its evil effects, Shiva drank the deathly poison but held it in his throat instead of swallowing it. This made his throat turn blue, and he was given the name Neelakantha, the blue-throated one. Shivaratri is the celebration of this event by which Shiva saved the world.
- According to another legend in the Shiva Purana, once the other two of the triads of Hindu Gods, Brahma and Vishnu, were fighting over who was the superior of the two. Horrified at the intensity of the battle, the other gods asked Shiva to intervene. To make them realize the futility of their fight, Shiva assumed the form of a huge column of fire in between Brahma and Vishnu. Awestruck by its magnitude, they decided to find one end each to establish supremacy over the other. Brahma assumed the form of a swan and went upwards and Vishnu as Varaha went into the earth. But light has no limit and though they searched for thousands of miles, neither could find the end. On his journey upwards, Brahma came across a Ketaki flower wafting down slowly. When asked where she had come from, the Ketaki replied that she had been placed at the top of the fiery column as an offering. Unable to find the uppermost limit, Brahma decided to end his search and take the flower as a witness.At this, the angry Shiva revealed his true form. He punished Brahma for telling a lie, and cursed him that no one would ever pray to him. The Ketaki flower too was banned from being used as an offering for any worship, as she had testified falsely. Since it was on the 14th day in the dark half of the month of Phalguna that Shiva first manifested himself in the form of a Linga, the day is especially auspicious and is celebrated as Mahashivaratri. Worshipping Shiva on this day is believed to bestow one with happiness and prosperity.
- This is an important day for the devotees of Shiva, who stay awake throughout the night, praying to him. In all major centers of Shoveling worship, Shivaratri, also called Mahashivaratri, is a grand occasion
- The day is considered to be specially auspicious for women. According to one myth, Parvati performed tapas, and prayed and meditated on this day to ward off any evil that may befall her husband on the Moonless night. Since then, Mahashivaratri is also believed to bean auspicious occasion for women to pray for the well-being of their husbands and sons. An unmarried woman prays for a husband like Shiva, who is considered to be the ideal husband
- On the day of Shivaratri, chanting the mantra 'bam' 1.25 lakh times, with a lamp of pure ghee lighted in front, is extremely beneficial. The mantra perpetuates pure and pious feelings. If possible, worship Lord Shiva in solitude or pay mental obeisances. Chanting 'bam' 1.25 Lakh times bestows one with all success. The mantra alleviates the pain in joints, vomiting, sputum/phlegm and gas related troubles. The beej mantras not only benfit the physical body, but also have divine effect on subtle and causal body.
- Those who utters the Names of Shiva during Shivaratri, with perfect devotion and concentration, is freed from all sins. They reaches the abode of Shiva and lives there happily. He is liberated from the wheel of births and deaths.
- One well accepted formula for the supreme worship of the Lord: "O Shiva! you are my Self. My mind is Parvati. My Pranas are your servants. My body is your house. My actions in this world are your worship. My sleep is Samadhi. My walk is circumambulation of you. My speech is your prayer. Thus do I offer all that I am to you."
Friday, 8 March 2013
Kallekulangara Emoor Bagawathy !Ashritha valsala Ananda Dayini Hememabike!
- The diety: Hemambika bagawathy. Thrikala Puja.Also its believed the deity takes three forms in a day: Saraswathi in the morning, Laxmi in the noon, and as Durga in the evening.
- The chief deity here is Goddess Hemambika, but the idol worshipped here is an "upraised hand," behind which there is a legendary tale.
- There are several legends about the origin of this temple.“On their regular trek through the dense Vadamala forest to worship at the valley shrine of Durga, one day Kurur and Kaimukku Nambudiris were granted a vision. The golden Goddess stood beside an elephant under a tree. When the aged Kurur was disheartened by his inability to undertake hazardous pilgrimages, the Goddess assured him in a dream that he would find her in the neighborhood. The next day witnessed the emergence of her hands in the middle of a lake close by. When Kurur swami through to clasp them, the divine hands turned into stone.
The Goddess once agreed to appear before a devotee on the condition he will not disclose it to anyone. But the excited devotee, unable to hold it within himself, told everyone, and when the goddess appeared before him, seeing the small crowd that had gathered there, she vanished immediately, and all that the devotees could see were her upraised hand!
- specialty of the temple is in its unique idol and also the fact that it is surrounded by water on three sides. The Sanctum Sanctorum (or the Garba Griha) is at the same level as the water in the pond that surrounds the temple, signifying that the deity emerged from there.
- Emur Bhagavathy (Hemambika), the bestower of prosperity, boons and auspiciousness raised her divine hands in the middle of the blessed pond Kallekulam. In a paroxysm of devotion, her impatient priest jumped in to the pond and caught hold of those hands before she fully manifested. The Devi stopped appearing. The priest got only the Devi’s emerging hands. This is the great legend of the famous Hemambika Temple where the Devi’s hands are enshrined in the sanctum sanctorum.
- When i was in 5th or 6th standard, mmmmmmm year seems 1982-83, or 83-84, the former Prime Minister of India, Indra Gandhi visited this temple. As my school was Hemambika Sanskrit high school we are all were doing "Thalapoli"! I still remember she patted on my cheeks smiling and saying so cute! (I was fat baby with chubby cheeks!) It was after the Congress split along with Sri Karunakaran. She was impressed by the goddess and made the palm of the goddess as her election symbol.
- The temple with unique idol of only " two hands ". It is widely believed that the "DEVI" the goddess emerged from the midst of pond to bless an ailing devotee, who out of excitement caught hold of two hands before it could come out. Then a temple was consecrated with those two hands as goddess.
- This beautiful temple surrounded by 5 ponds kallekulamam, Ambalakulam(amidst mantoppu inside temple), Therukulam, anakulama and parakulam!
- The Navarathri festival also is celebrated in this temple. A kalam ezhuthu pattau mahothsavam is celebrated every year in the months of Vrichigam-Dhanu .
- Location: In a small village (read – that was once upon a time a village) in Palakkad district called Akathethara, Kallekulangara, (approx 8 kms from Palakkad town) en route Malampuzha Dam
- This temple is the family deity of Palakkad kings. In fact the ariyittu Vazcha of the king (coronation) used to be conducted here.
- Way to shiva tample!
- Main attraction is the nine day festival of shivratri. (This year 2013, its tomorrow! I am writing this in nostalgic pain) Thousands of devotees attend the festival. Chakyarkoothu, Padakam, Thambaka,Kazhacha seeveli, kathakali, anayottam, the list continues.... The celebration ends at the Kalpathy River. Arathu ezhunallathu! The nine days from kodiyettam till shivarathri is really celebration for children! Eve of shivarathri in shiva temple, there used to be shayana pradakshinam and we used to lit the stone lamps there and do pradakshan with prayers! In the night of shivarathri we do jagaran! The childhood days.......miss it.............
- Amme Bagawathy devi saranam! Abhayam Tharanam Jagadambe!
Meaning of Shabarimala 18 steps!
Swamiye Saranamayyappa!
One of my Friends wanted to know, thought of sharing with all!
I. One school of thought says
Pathinettapadi (18 divine steps) to the sanctum sanctorium is divine in all aspects.
One of my Friends wanted to know, thought of sharing with all!
Eighteen is considered as the code number to break into the soul of the Nature. The significance of 18 can be traced back to the Vedic age. The first Veda, believed to be protected by Lord Brahma himself, had 18 chapters. Later, Veda Vyasa divided it to create the four vedas: Rigveda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharava Veda. Each of these vedas had 18 chapters.Veda Vyasa also wrote 18 puranas and 18 upa-puranas. The Bhagavad Gita has 18 chapters and the Kurukshetra war lasted 18 days!(And my blessed child was also born on 18th!) There are lot of school of thought i have heard.
Pathinettapadi (18 divine steps) to the sanctum sanctorium is divine in all aspects.
- The first three steps depict "Bhoomi, Agni, Vayoo & Akash",
- 6 to 9 steps for Karmendriya,
- 10 to 15 for Jhanandriya,
- 16th for mind
- 17th Intelligence and
- 18th Jeevathma Bhava.
- Those who cross all these steps are believed to achieve "Punyadarshan". The steep steps are so important and holy that no one can climb them without fasting for 41 days and carrying the holy irrumudi on ones' head.There are many mythological stories associated with the holy Patinettampadi. Some believe the eighteen steps denote the 18 puranas. Some say that 18 weapons with which Lord Ayyappa destroyed the evil denotes the 18 steps. Others are of the belief that the first five steps denotes the indriyas (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin). The next eight steps signifies the ragas (tatwa, kama, krodha, moha, lobha, madha, matsraya, and ahamkara. The next three steps signifies the gunas (satwa, rajas and thamas). The seventeenth and the eighteenth denotes vidhya and ignorance.
II. another school of thought says
- 1st step- Getting knowledge and consciousness to make think is called first step.
- 2nd step- The bhakters ultimate consciousness is second step. Dvaita & advaita are same. Advaita means God & Dvaita means soul.
- 3rd step- vision or insight, imagination, understand, act, excercise, law to be connected with intellect.
- 4th step- pure consciousness image of knowledge it refers.
- 5th step- not in pure form & enlightened like bhagavathi gods form.
- 6th – past several births (purva janam) goodness if we climb sixth step and we can see lord shiva.
- 7th step- will-power, we will have will-power to get god blessing
- 8th step- yaga inner form, rahoyagam.
- 9th step- supreme celestial light , “paramjyothis” in order today also “makara jyothi” is seen.
- 10th step- meditating and knowing universal supreme lord.
- 11th step- ascetic meditating. God and devotee uniting.
- 12th step- samadhi non dualistic state of consciousness.
- 13th step- atma, soul changes happens.
- 14th step- supreme brahma, indicates knowledge person god subramanian. Ultimate supreme brahma is also called this step.
- 15th step- nadabrahma means ecstasy continues.
- 16th step- jyothiswarupa- illumination of god. A supreme effulgence, the proper form of god.
- 17th step- trigunathitha means tri characters of god
- 18th step – which is considered as parama feet- the ultimate supreme feet of lord ayyappa swamy
III. Another school of thought says:
It is assumed that after climbing up these eighteen steps reverently, one
symbolically detaches oneself from all the worldly ties that bind one physically
and mentally to the world . It is only then that a person will be in a receptive
condition to be `one' in consonance with the concept of 'The Ultimate
- The first five steps symbolise the five human senses (Panchendriyas) i.e. visual (vision), auditory (hearing), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste) and tactile (touch). These signify the `mortal' nature of one's body.
- The next eight steps symbolise the eight Ashtaragas viz, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Maltsarya, Asooya, Dhumb (Love, Anger, Avarice, Lust, Pride, Unhealthy Competition, Jealousy and Boastfulness).
- The next three steps stand for three Gunas or Thrigunas (nature-born qualities) i.e. Satva, ( perspicuity, discernment) , Rajas (activity, enjoyment) and Thamas (inactivity, stupor).
- The last two steps represent Vidya (Knowledge) and Avidya
(Ignorance). The details given above represent the most prevalently accepted version of the significance of the Holy Pathinettam Padi. Other versions are:-
- Ayyappa was a master of 18 weapons and the steps signify these.
- Ayyappa before merging into the idol at the Sanctum Sanctorum, surrendered his 18 weapons, one at each step of Pathinettam Padi.
- The steps represent the 18 hills existing in and around the region of Sabarimala.
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